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Page 21

  He let out a slight laugh and said, “Let’s start with something else first. I have another job for you.”


  Sleeping in the White House did have its benefits and they took full advantage of them. They all slept in and met downstairs in the kitchen and ordered whatever they wanted for breakfast. They inquired about meeting the president but were denied access every time they asked. Seth thought that was odd. He thought maybe the president would want to see them again. Tie up any loose ends.

  After breakfast, a new set of secret service agents escorted them through the halls and out the doors to an awaiting black town car. They piled in and were driven to the parking garage near Ford’s Theater where Willie’s truck was parked, before they paid twenty grand for Lincoln’s door. Before they were kidnapped. Before they were rescued by the secret service. Before they met The President of the United States.

  Willie drove them back to his house where Madison’s car was parked. He and Arthur said their goodbyes and embraced like long lost soldier buddies, which they were. They promised to keep in touch, which was unlikely, but it was the right thing to say at the time. Madison made Seth drive home and she took the backseat, allowing Arthur to ride shotgun.

  It was not until they rounded the Beltway and picked up Interstate 95 North that Arthur spoke. He smiled first and said, “We forgot the door.”

  “Shit!” Seth said, taking his foot off the accelerator. “I’ll get off the next exit.”

  Arthur put his hand on Seth’s leg. “Forget about it.”

  “What? We paid twenty grand for that, it’s ours.”

  “What are you going to do with it? Leave it there. We got what we wanted. It’s a piece of history. Let others enjoy it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Let it go, son.”

  Madison agreed. “He’s right, Seth. Let it go.”

  Seth reluctantly increased his speed and they drove on.

  Just after twelve in the afternoon, every radio station they turned to was covering the surprise announcement that the vice president was stepping down due to health reasons.

  They all knew that was a lie.


  The following day Seth, was in his apartment cleaning up the mess made by the Brits. While he picked up the broken glass, the books strewn about, and the cushions from the couch, he heard a knock at the door. He put down the broom he was holding and opened the door to see a FedEx driver holding an envelope.

  “Seth Layton?” the driver asked.


  “Please sign here,” the driver said, handing him an electronic signature pad.

  Seth signed, took the envelope and shut the door. He pulled the tear strip and pulled out a brown manila envelope secured with a metal clasp. He opened it and pulled out a few sheets of paper. The top sheet had the Presidential Seal at the top of it. He read the letter:

  Mr. Seth Layton,

  As we previously discussed, your cooperation in this matter has ended. We, the American people appreciate your hard work and that of your friends and family. I strenuously insist that you do not discuss this with anyone ever again. I do not need to remind you of the repercussions if something did happen to bring forth these events. Please remind your friends and family of the same.

  Thanks again for all your fine efforts.


  President Richard Bowe.

  PS. Please see enclosed as tokens of appreciation. I have also taken your request to heart and your grandfather has been placed at the top of the list at Johns Hopkins for a new liver. Please inform him and get him to the hospital no later than tomorrow.

  Seth gawked at the signature of the President. He was in awe. How did he know where he lived? He is the President after all. He moved the letter to the side and lifted the next piece of paper.

  It was a cashier’s check made out to Arthur Layton in the sum of one million dollars.

  “Holy shit,” Seth said out loud.

  The next piece was another check. This time made out to Willie for another million.

  There were two pieces of paper left and he quickly shuffled them to find his check.

  There wasn’t one.

  The remaining two letters looked identical. He read the first one:

  To Whom it May Concern:

  I hereby exempt Mr. Seth Layton, Social Security number 109-111-3530, from paying any state or federal income tax from this day forward until the day he dies. Please contact Kimberly Bevin, my personal assistant with any questions.

  President Richard Bowe

  He smiled to himself, flipped to the last sheet and saw the same note made out to Madison. “Wow,” he said.

  Not a million bucks, but it would do.

  He grabbed his phone and was going to call Madison and his granddad. Instead, he picked up his car keys and headed out the door. This kind of news had to be delivered in person. Plus, it was another excuse to see Madison, and his granddad.

  HIDDEN MOTIVE - Now Available

  On a cold night in the suburbs of Philadelphia, an attorney returns home from a long day at work only to be gunned down getting out of his car. Two hours later and twenty miles away in southern New Jersey, a truck driver is shot while making a late night delivery. When the sun rises the next morning, many more unexplained homicides plague the Tri-State area.

  With no connections between the crimes, at first they are assumed to be unrelated.

  New Jersey State Detective Brendan Cutter, joins local Detective Vicky Glass to investigate one of the murders. When Cutter discovers that his case may be linked to many others, his theory on who is behind the killings terrifies him. But before they can produce a suspect, another body is found. Then another…then another…


  This book was very enjoyable to research and write. If you ever get a chance to tour the historic places as I did, don’t hesitate. Standing in Ford’s Theater and in front of Washington’s tomb is a lot better than reading about it all these years. Thanks to all of the people who preserve and protect our National Landmarks.

  The part about Washington having relations with a slave and fathering a child outside of marriage is in fact true. Well, that’s for you to decide but visit to learn more.

  A big thanks goes out to Steve White, Tom Lill, my mother-in-law, Dolly, and my Aunt Lori for reading and editing this book before publication. Without their honest feedback and editing skills, I would have produced a much different and inferior final product. Cheryl Bradshaw, author of The Sloane Monroe series, edited this manuscript and I can’t thank her enough. Thanks to Jason Merrick for a great cover. Jason also did the cover for The Chemist and I look forward to working with him again in the future.

  I cannot forget my wife Katie for allowing me to spend endless nights in the basement re-reading and editing this book while she cared for our three children. Thanks for believing in me and allowing me to pursue my dreams.


  This is Chris Blewitt’s third publication. His first, Deep Rough – A Thriller in Augusta, is a thriller set in golf’s grand stage, The Masters. Deep Rough has climbed the charts and has been the # 1 Sports, # 1 Golf, and # 1 Sports Gambling book on The Kindle.

  Chris has also written the short story, The Chemist – Based on a True Story. Set in the 1920’s, an innocent man is forced into the dangerous world of bootlegging during Prohibition.

  Look for more from Chris in the coming months as he just published a series of Young Adult Historical Mysteries, the first entitled, Foxworth Academy, and learn more at Chris is always eager to hear from his fans, so feel free to drop him a line at: [email protected]

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